Picked up these 2 Go Karts to start FJINC on some builds over thewinter so stay tuned because some things are about to happen in the shop starting in the next few weeks!
Emblem Swap on Forte GT
Well I had to do something to make it look a little different but also have something else coming in as well for the rear lights.
A Kia What??
Well in an unexpected turn of events this is the new toy for 2020. It’s a 2020 Forte GT with a manual six speed tranmission. Has the features I wanted for a daily driver and also has some future potential.
Odyssey Alignment Time
Finally got the Odyssey out to the alignment shop. It is ready to hit the road as just a few days ago replaced the timing belt and water pump. She may have a bunch of miles but still running strong.
And Another One…….
The Miata Kart Project that I have had for years that I don’t mention much has been sold. So another project is out of here and still not sure what I am going to do next but something will come.
Bye Bye Subaru :(
An offer was made on the “Official DoorlessDash.com Subaru” and I accepted it. It was a fun run and couldn’t asked for a more solid of a car to work with. I will never forget this car but as usual … let’s see whats next!!!
What Happened To My Doors
Another Subaru Road Trip
Took the Subaru out to Charlotte to Queenspeed Motorsports. Let me tell you I have been getting the looks on this trip. So many people have been taking pictures and pointing it’s been great!
The FJINC Fleet
Pulled everything out the shop so I could start cleaning it out.
Look At That Tiny Car
The Subaru is looks so huge next to this Miata.